Every weekend in Buenos Aires there is an arts fair where local artists can sell their handmade goods. On Saturday we hit the one in Recoleta which is referred to as the Feria Hippy. Score!!!! There was so much stuff there. Because of the exchange rate, prices are super favorable too. I found some pretty great stuff. There was everything from leather purses, clothing, jewelry to little handmade toys. Did I mention there's a little park right in the middle of the fair so your hubby can take the kids to burn off some steam while you shop?
On Sunday we hit the San Telmo fair. There are booths of handmade goods that go on for maybe 10 blocks. There was plenty of entertainment out on the streets too. The kids had a blast watching a puppet show. Albeit the man was working a marionette of a little drunk guy trying to walk down a little tiny street. The kids had no idea. Mommy had fun because she found really cool leather hair clips for $5 us. Yahoo!!!!
You are living the dream girlfriend! Are you using your Spanish to translate for the family? I love that you are doing the fun things you used to always talk about! Now go post more pics of the food!! ;)
I am trying to use my Spanish. The dialect is pretty difficult for me here. Nit is a mix of Spanish and Italian. You would do just fine! The foooood!!!! Yummo! It is all meat, pasta, and pizza. I will have to do a section on food :). You guys are living the dream too. I have been keeping up with your blog. Looks like fun!!!!
YEAH! Bring on the pizza and pasta :) I'm impressed you're using your Spanish....don't even ask when the last time I used mine. Ordering Tex Mex in Austin doesn't count, does it? Enchiladas with queso :) Yup, that was the extent of it!
SO glad you're following my blog! Now, to get you to make a comment now and then so you'll come out of stalkdom ;) hehe!
Now I'm off to read your new post!
Hahaha! Yes enchiladas con queso counts in my book. A girl has to eat! I have made comments on you blog. My user name is Mommy. I should probably get a new usename. Lol Taking suggestions... Hautemama? AyMami? Lol
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