We have been here for a few days now. I have been stuffing myself with media lunas, empanadas, and seriously good wine. I wish my pics could be better, but it is so much easier to upload pics from my phone than my camera. Better pics to come later, I promise.
As much as I tried to plan for this trip, there are several things that I forgot and a few things I will have to remember for next time. Here is a sample:
- You would think that an umbrella would be something that I would think of packing considering every time I travel it rains, and I need to go hunt one down to purchase. Well... unless you are in Rome, where the street vendors magically appear with a ton of cheap umbrellas for a not so cheap price as soon as the first drop hits.
-I learned on the plane that dum dum suckers are dumb dumb. Instead of sucking them to help their ears, the ate them in three bites. Tootsie roll pops of even Blow pops would have worked a lot better.
-I also did not pack enough stickers. The kids LOVED playing with stickers on the plane. When the little one would get fussy, I would bust out the stickers, and she would sit there quietly peeling and sticking. Needless to say, I need more sticker for the ride home.
-Another airplane mishap was cream and milk are not the same thing in other countries. I ordered coffee after dinner on the plane. The lady asked how I took my coffee. I responded, "Crema. No azucar por favor." She looked at me like I had requested baby's blood or something. Then after she poured the lovely coffee and what I consider cream in the gentleman's coffee beside me, she handed me a packet of dried creamer. YUCK!!!! Apparently I should have asked for leche (milk) and not crema (dried crap). I just started drinking coffee in general so I had never ordered coffee internationally. LESSON LEARNED LADY!!!!!
-Upon leaving the airport I decided to stop by the tourist kiosk. Sooooo worth it!!! They had so many free guide books, maps, and a ton of knowledge.
- Wash cloth!!!! I really enjoy using a wash cloth to wash my face and although it is not a necessity for me it sure is important to have one for the kiddos. Do other countries use them? I have not encountered one in my travels at the hotels or apartments. I will pack a few next time.
- Entry fees!!! Last year when we had traveled to Argentina we were not required to pay an entry fee. The U.S. charges entrance fees to Argentinians visiting to the U.S. so Argentina implemented a reciprocal fee to U.S. citizens. Whoa! It was $140 per person. On the upside it is good for ten years, Downside is we are a family of four and that stinks :( We will have to make it up with lots of steak dinners since the exchange rate is so amazing.
Last but not least.... If your child runs around your house all day dressed in a princess dress at home, you better pack it. Trust me! This is all I am hearing about from my 2 year old. I am truly regretting not packing the dag gone "princess dress".
I'm a princess! I'm a princess! I'm a princess!
Lol- too funny Jake! Good grief! She really wanted everyone to know she was a princess that night :)
Aww So sweet!! SO glad you guys are having a great time. Can't wait to read more! XOXO!
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